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Jing Gu: Oeco. office ecosystem

Oeco is the prototype for my final design concept of the office ecosystem. It creates a narrative in a working environment for the experience of belonging. Belonging is a kind of emotion. I choose this direction to explore because I had a vision to bring valuable emotions into physical interfaces. My challenge in this semester is to exemplify a concept starting from a fairly inexplicable psychological feeling to concrete design. The compass of the design process in the absence of a specific client.

Report describes the highlights of 8 stages in my M1.1 semester. Because of the context is difficult to reach, a framework for research is made to guide and evaluate the design decision. The framework is enriched with concepts intrigued by feedback and heuristic discussions. I interviewed the people from office working environment in China to contextualize my concept of belonging about ‘human bonding’ at that stage.

I choose to create comfort zones to engage people in public spaces for the feeling of bonding, and thus the feeling of belonging. In the vision of designing emotional experiences, I created an interactive system using projection to augment the physical spaces, which I believe made the interaction more physical.

[PDF, 1.6M]